Monday, December 12, 2011

Scandinavian sheep skin

Billie's first gift from her Farmor (paternal grand-mother in swedish) was a sheep skin. Scandinavian sheeps are grey and have the softest curls. 

Billie grew up sleeping on this sheep skin. She had it when she was coming to work with me, sleeping on the floor on it. She still sleeps on it every night in her crib. It's also the best to keep her warm in the stroller. The sheep skin is perfect because it keeps the baby cool when its very hot outside but also keeps her warm on winter days. It also looks so nice everywhere we put it in the house. It's a tradition in Jonas' family. They all grew up sleeping on one of these. I wish one day Billie will put her baby to sleep on this same sheep skin she got from her Farmor. 

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